Project Details

Project Type

Personal project


Mar 2021 (1 day)


UI/UX designer

Team Members

1 Mentor, 4 UI/UX designers


End-to-end UI/UX design



What is Design Jam?

Design Jam is a one-day event from the UK that brings together a team of designers, developers, product managers, and other partners for prototyping and product testing, and expects participants to learn, explore, and interact with Outstanding talents in various fields of work together to create new things.

What is this workshop doing?

Participants will form teams with partners from different fields to prototype, test, and iterate on specific topics within ten hours, and publish the results at the end. Through the five steps of Understanding, Diverge, Decide, Prototype, and Test, participants are trained to solve problems and construct prototypes.

How to get started?

The lecturer is Ms.Harica who is from India, she is a data-driven VUI/GUI/UX designer, and also has working experience in the fields of Internet, B2B, e-commerce, and FinTech companies.

We have to choose one group from the 6 topics listed by Ms. Harica and have a competition with the other groups. Then, we will test and present to each other. In the end, Ms. Harica and other Mentors will choose one group and come on stage to do the presentation.



Design an app that can be a one stop solution for all pet related issues and service(Pet Community App)

