When the baby is a month old, parents will share a full month cake or oil rice, drumsticks and red eggs with relatives and friends. Furthermore includes a gift card with a baby photo to let friends and family meet this lovely new family member.

But what to do with gift cards becomes a problem for the parents and friends in addition to relatives.

<aside> 🚩 In order to solve the problem, this project aims to develop an electronic baby gift card website.


Project Details

Project Type

Personal side project


Dec 2021 -Mar 2022 (12 weeks)


UI/UX Designer


User Research & End-to-end UI/UX design

Team Members

1 Project Manager, 2 Front-End Developer, 1 Back- End Developer, 1 UI/UX Designer

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Our Project Manager is pregnant. In Taiwanese custom, when the baby is a full moon, parents share a month's worth of cake (girls) or oily rice, chicken legs, and red eggs (boys) with friends and family. In addition, a gift card with a baby photo is included to let friends and family know this lovely new family member.

When our Project Manager was looking for a suitable full moon cake, she found that the card with the baby's photo turned out to be a problem instead.

According to her past experience of receiving a full moon cake, most people will discard the card with the baby's photo, which will not only make some people feel guilty, but also make parents feel very uneasy (because it has baby pictures), and these discarded cards also cause litter problems for the environment.

So, in order to solve this problem, she wants to develop an electronic baby gift card website, which can not only solve the problem of baby photos being discarded at will, but also parents can check who has permission to see the baby's photos, and can also unify all blessings, and Reduce card waste.


<aside> 🔘 How to address parental concerns?


<aside> 🔘 How to solve the troubles of the Gift Receiver?


<aside> 🔘 How can we persuade manufacturers to use electronic cards?



<aside> ✅ Let parents control preview permissions.


<aside> ✅ Use the electronic card, can close it after reading.


<aside> ✅ Paperless reduces printing costs. Parental editing is provided to reduce the number of revisions.



Secondary Research

We found that most electronic cards are currently made by gift manufacturers themself, and the quality is not uniform. As well as most of them are pdf files of Physical cards, so there is no way to adapt to the different sizes of user devices (Responsive Web Design).

Therefore, the electronic card is more like an additional service, with only the browsing function. Whether it is in terms of user experience or commercial marketing of manufacturers, it has not made good use of the value and services that this technology can bring.

By Zone1 Intellect | October 06, 2021

Primary Research